Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Tonite on MY tube...

From time to time we hear..."THANK GOD YOU'RE HERE" (mostly its from the overnight crew and my bookie) but unfortunately its never from people who count. And you can count the number of people on one hand who've been watching NBC's THANK GOD YOU'RE HERE! Its a dang shame. I love that show. Improvisational comedy is some of the purest and most difficult comedy to perform and when it hits its like a nuke over Denver (which is from the CBS show JERICHO which unfortunately THANK GOD is up against). Tonite THANK GOD is worthy of a glimpse if you haven't given it a shot. The annoying voice of Fran Drescher should be reason enough to check it out if my word isn't good enough. Seriously...its funny and its not scripted (kinda the same reason we all love CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM except the neurosis is kept to a minimum). Other things to check out- ATLANTIC RECORDS: THE HOUSE THAT AHMET BUILT on PBS at 9pm and LOST at 10pm. I need a scorecard for LOST but its been pretty good the last couple of weeks. As far as IDOL... Listen tomorrow morning- we'll save you an hour of your life by letting you know in two minutes who got voted off the show.