Thursday, May 24, 2007

How about them eyebrows!

WJZ’s Kai Jackson called in and we talked about his SEXY eyebrows.

Lacrosse Legend Dr. Miles Harrison is at The Sports Legends Museum on May 25.
He shared some of his experiences as one of the founding members of the Morgan State College lacrosse team of the 1970s, the first all-African American college lacrosse team.

We spoke with Ed Hale about building a new arena in Baltimore.- He thinks a new one will be built in the next 3 years.

Kirk said he likes Mark's feet.

Mark told a story about homeless guy taking a dump in front of him while he was interviewing for a job in Scranton, Pennsylvania a few years ago.

Shamrock confessed that last night he watched a :10 second clip of American Idol's Antonella Barba over and over for 25 minutes.


It's the "KMS Pre Memorial Day Extravaganza"