Friday, May 4, 2007

MY TUBE this weekend

After SEVEN (count 'em) SEVEN seasons...the Gilmore Girls is no more. is reporting this sad event in the world of emasculated men and the women who control them. Good thing Ugly Betty remains for those who don't get Oxygen or Lifetime.
Anyhoo...some good stuff this weekend:

1) 20/20 on Friday. The DC Madam (Deborah Jeane Palfrey) gets her 15 minutes of fame extended by naming names. ABC should run a crawl at the bottom of the screen like ESPN.

2) The Kentucky Derby is on Saturday as is De La Hoya vs. Mayweather in boxing. (NBC and HBO Pay Per View respectively). I hope a long shot wins and there's a knock out in the first round. I like peeing in your cheerios too.

3) Cold Case on CBS Sunday. I don't know why I still watch this show. Maybe its because some day Lilly may actually look like she has blood pulsing through her veins. Really. Lilly of Cold Case makes Lilly of the Munsters look sunburned. Its the 4th season finale and the whole crew gets taken hostage. If you close your eyes you can see Fonzie jumping a shark off in the distance.

4) Finally...Also Sunday its the Amazing Race All-Stars Finale. We'll talk to the winners on Monday. Wasn't that Charla and Mirna I saw cruising in a Maserati on 695? hmmmmmm.
You go girls!